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“De 7 do’s in de installatiebranche”

De 7 do’s in de installatiebranche
Blog: 'De 7 do’s in de installatiebranche' De ontwikkelingen in de installatiebranche zijn dusdanig dat ook aandacht voor de interne organisatie een voorwaarde is voor een succesvolle toekomst en het realiseren van ambities. Meer werk met dezelfde mensen “Vanaf de eerste oprichting aan de keukentafel zijn we altijd bezig geweest met de techniek en kwaliteit.'' De ontwikkelingen in de installatiebranche...
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Technical Sales

Technical Sales

Why technicians should not be taught sales! John is a workshop supervisor in a car repair and maintenance workshop. My 7 year old SUV was in his hands for my regular service call. “Good animal this one” he told me. “It could easily last another 7 years” . I told him I was quite happy with it, but that lately…

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Communication Performance Analysis

key account management sales

Communication is KEY! COPA helps! An artist in communication is that person who can interact to the communicative preference of the other. An Artist with a capital letter is that person who, besides that, consciously deals with his own communicative preferences, limitations and chances. This applies to organisations as well as people. For this reason communication scientists put the focus…

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