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“Alles voor de klant …”

"Alles voor de klant..." Het lijkt zo logisch maar deze kreet is niet zo onschuldig als hij lijkt. Maak dit statement als directeur en je voelt meteen de gefronste wenkbrauwen. En terecht. Want er zitten een paar vervelende haken aan deze slogan. 1. De klant weet ook niet altijd wat hij/zij wil en bouwt haar/zijn behoeften op aan wat er...
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Account Plan(ning)


Account Plan or Strategy Paper? John is a civil engineer who has recently received; the latest version of a drawing tool meeting the Australian Standard AS 1100 conventions, from his boss. Initially he was delighted, but trying to do what he was good at, made him confused and irritated. Without a proper training it would take him at least 6…

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Technical Sales

Technical Sales

Why technicians should not be taught sales! John is a workshop supervisor in a car repair and maintenance workshop. My 7 year old SUV was in his hands for my regular service call. “Good animal this one” he told me. “It could easily last another 7 years” . I told him I was quite happy with it, but that lately…

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Communication Performance Analysis

key account management sales

Communication is KEY! COPA helps! An artist in communication is that person who can interact to the communicative preference of the other. An Artist with a capital letter is that person who, besides that, consciously deals with his own communicative preferences, limitations and chances. This applies to organisations as well as people. For this reason communication scientists put the focus…

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Sales in 2019

Account planning Sales

SALES in 2019? Hopeless! Unless…… I know them well. These days, thousands of salesmen walk around thinking they can convert the prospect to a client with an average product presentation and some small talk. My most important message to them: become fast, smart and empathic or sell your house in advance. Rude? Perhaps, but also honest and realistic. The world…

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